Ebook Paper Folding Templates for Print Design: Formats, Techniques and Design Considerations for Innovative Paper Folding, by Trish Witkowski
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Paper Folding Templates for Print Design: Formats, Techniques and Design Considerations for Innovative Paper Folding, by Trish Witkowski
Ebook Paper Folding Templates for Print Design: Formats, Techniques and Design Considerations for Innovative Paper Folding, by Trish Witkowski
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Paper Folding Templates for Print Design is a comprehensive visual resource for anyone who designs or produces folded materials for print and direct mail. Brought to you by the industry's authority on folding, Trish Witkowski of foldfactory.com, Trish provides content that is both enlightening and interesting to read. Based upon 15 years of studying and collecting folded materials from around the globe, she starts with folding basics and quickly moves on to trends, techniques and low budget tricks that will help you break out of your folding rut.
On a budget? Paper Folding Templates will take you way beyond the tri-fold without breaking the bank. Got a special project? The high budget splurges chapter does not disappoint. Paper Folding Templates will surprise you with folded formats and techniques you've never thought of, and will introduce you to additional categories such as dimensional, proprietary and branded solutions. Trish also shares gorgeous full-color photos of selected pieces from her world-famous folding sample library in special gallery sections placed throughout the book.
- Sales Rank: #926741 in Books
- Published on: 2012-01-24
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.60" h x .60" w x 6.60" l, 1.27 pounds
- Binding: Flexibound
- 192 pages
About the Author
Trish Witkowski is Chief Folding Fanatic at the online community foldfactory.com. She holds a bachelor of fine arts degree in graphic design and a Master of Science degree in Graphic Arts Publishing from Rochester Institute of Technology's School of Printing Management and Sciences. An award-winning designer, she held the position of creative director for a Baltimore-based agency for several years, and has taught design and desktop publishing at college level. Trish has specialized expertise in the area of folding and is the creator of the FOLDRite™ system, a 2004 GATF InterTech™ Technology Award winner. Trish frequently writes and blogs on the topic of folding and finishing and hosts a popular weekly e-video, the "60-second Super-cool FOLD of the WEEK." She is in demand as a guest speaker for both design and print industry functions, and has presented for the HOW Conference, GraphExpo, Print New Zealand Conference, AIGA events, and many others.
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Paper engineers textbook...
By Randall Laue
Had to put my collection of pop-up books aside. Could not afford them, now have opportunity to catch up with techniques missed. They worked out a lot of bugs that will cut production costs. Back to working on my passion...
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
A great practical guide for graphic designers
By S Conway
I look forward to having some fun with paper and appreciate having this book for the solid information it provides about folding, mailing sizes, envelopes and creative ways to present marketing materials.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Okay, but not what expected
By LadyLisetta
Not exactly what I was hoping for when I read the description. I had been hoping this was a book of templates, not a thesis on what the various paper folding techniques are.
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